Short Term Weight Loss Goal

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 9- VLCD

Today I had to get out and run some errands. Oh, I wish I could stay in my house forever! It was not nice driving past all the fast food places and thinking about the food that I would have normally got from there. But, that is part of the reason I am as fat as I am now. I love out to eat food and I think we all know how UNhealthy it is for us. So, I continued to think about all the positives about NOT going to one of those places while I drove home. I really just wanted some ice cream!

"Nothing tastes better than being thin feels"- Kate Moss

A lot of people won't understand this quote. But, if you are like me and were born overweight or have been overweight enough of your life to be sick of it, you will probably agree with the possibilities of the truth. I know at one time in my life I got down to 160lbs and it felt great! I still wasn't thin though. I was thin for me and that felt great, but I still longed to be thinner. It has been 8 1/2 years, a breakup, a marriage, and 2 babies since I was 160lbs. After all that, the weight just came back on- plus some. I am sooo ready for it to be gone again!

I guess I just needed to reflect on some things for the day. Today marks 1 week of me being on the very low calorie diet (VLCD). My weight loss thus far is 10 lbs. Only 15 more to go to reach my short term goal! My sweet husband also bribed me with a nice little wallet when I reach my goal. So, I really want to reach it! Yes, I am a person that thrives well with incentives!!


1/2 grapefruit (just doesn't seem like that much)

3oz chicken breast
1 roma tomato

1pc Melba toast

3oz steak
5-6 slices cucumber
baked apple yumminess

I didn't drink enough water today. That water is killing me!!!

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