Short Term Weight Loss Goal

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 21- VLCD

Oh-My-Gosh.... I had to type that really slow because that is how tired I am. Today we helped my sister move. I really only ate 1 thing right from the protocol. However- I did eat in moderation... Not sure if that makes me feel better or not. What is done, is done. I can't take it back now- just praying that helping her move burned off what I did eat!


1.5 ozs BBQ pork (thank goodness, it is all gone now!)
1/2 grapefruit

Snacking throughout the day... :{
1 McDonald's french fry (no lie- I really did only eat 1!!)
1 McDonald's chicken nugget...again really, only had 1!
less than 20 skittles (holding my head in shame)

3oz roast - I ate the meat at the top, so I knew it hadn't been sitting in the fat juice at the bottom. This probably really was okay according to protocol since it is beef.

I did not get all my water in that I should have. I was thirsty though. I have chapped lips to prove it!

Tomorrow is another day, right?

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