Short Term Weight Loss Goal

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 16- VLCD

Easy Peasy, Lemon Sqeezy! That about sums up how my day on the diet went! Tonight was the first time that I went out and others were eating and I did not partake. I did take my apple though to make my yummy goodness with while I was there. And, it was good!! I think my new favorite thing to eat is my onion burger. All I did was measure out 100 grams of ground beef (94/6), cut up some onions and add them to the meat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and then shape into hamburgers. Hubby grilled them for me and omg, they are SO good! I have been craving them! I need to go to the store to get more meat!

Anyway, today marks the end of week 2 for me. I did up my intake of hcg to 150 today instead of 125. I was doing fine at 125, but wanted to see if I could loose a bit more by jumping up to 150. Yes, I want to loose more, but- I don't want to have to deal with the hunger issues. It really wasn't a problem today though, so I am happy about that. Or course, it could be that I drank over a gallon of water!!!


Chicken breast
1 roma tomato

5 strawberries

hamburger steak with onions

apple yummyness!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! You did GREAT at group!!! I was even having issues with all the yummy garlic bread smells!! Way to think ahead and bring something else!! Proud of you!! Keep up the great work!! Hope the extra 25 you bumped up will kick your losses up a notch!! Crossing my fingers for you!! :0)
