Short Term Weight Loss Goal

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 19- VLCD

Today was an extremely busy day! I had taken food with me in case I got hungry, but I really didn't have the time to eat! We had an Easter egg hunt, plus two birthday parties. Do you know what I think of when I think of those events? Chocolate, cake, more cake, and ice cream! lol But, I didn't have any of it!!! *happy dance*

The bad thing- because I had not eaten much I was feeling very ravenous when I did get home. My friend had sent home some pulled pork and I was getting it ready for the rest of the family...and I ate some :{ I didn't eat that much. I know pork is not on the list- and neither is the bbq sauce that it was covered with. But, I also knew I had a few calories to spare because I hadn't eaten any of my fruits, breads, or veggies. It was a risk I was willing to take. I think sometimes you might have to do that to keep yourself going. Either way, I am eating way better than I was before I started this diet.

Another thing about today is my water. I drank, and drank, and drank some more and was still extremely thirsty!! All the while, I hardly went to the restroom at all. I'm not really sure what all that is about. I just know I was tired of being so thirsty!

I only lost .6lbs this morning. I did think that was a little weird since I followed the diet to a "T" yesterday. But, at least I lost!


3oz steak (ate this at 11am because I knew we were going to be out at noon when I normally eat)

3oz chicken breast (7:30pm- usually eat at 5:30)
pulled pork with bbq sauce. I would guess about 1.5ozs?

Tomorrow's another day....

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