Short Term Weight Loss Goal

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 39

I did not take my HCG shot this morning. It was not a good day all the way around...

Day 38- VLCD


grilled onion burger
roma tomato

(don't remember..??)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 37- VLCD

I don't remember what the scale said this morning. I only remember that I did not like it. I started thinking about how I could possibly have gained so much- I really did watch what I ate yesterday. I forgot about 2 other things that happened yesterday that has always fluctuated my weight.

1) I HAD to use my excema medicine. I try my hardest to go without it, but there comes a point that I HAVE to use it!

2) I normally use Aveeno lotion. Yes, I know we are not supposed to use any at all, but with my excema- I have to use something. Baby oil was not cutting it! My aveeno wasn't home with me, so I used a different brand. I am thinking this was a mistake!! :O

I know that I always gain some after I use my medicine- but I didn't think about switching lotions. The bad thing is that I had to use my medicine again today. I did refrain from using lotions today though.


1 hard boiled egg
1 egg white
5 crackers


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 36- VLCD

Today went o-kay. I had a full day of work with Scentsy. I apparently burned off a lot of calories because I started feeling sick and light headed. I ended up eating what they had there which was pasta with chicken in it and a breadstick. I am already scared to get on the scale tomorrow- my weight is up tonight. Oh- and I had a soda today. I have not had a full can of soda since being on my diet. It was a diet cherry 7 up. Maybe I am just retaining water? A girl can dream- right?

Chocolate wins!

I'm not sure if I will ever eat chocolate again. No, really- I mean that! After eating some last night, my stomach hurt sooooooooooo bad!! My body is not used to having that junk and it revolted. I was finally able to go to sleep, but I did that curled up into a ball swearing off chocolate! lol

I did gain .2 lbs this morning. Another bad thing.... :-\

I am a bit worried about today. I will be working on a Scentsy event from about 1pm to 10pm. I really want to stay busy while I am there so that I won't be tempted to eat. We will have dinner there.... maybe it will be something I can eat! ;-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 35- VLCD

Eating for the day....bad, bad, and more bad. Mostly involved chocolate! I still don't get why I torture myself. I mean, really? This is obviously why I am over weight to begin with. Why can I not kick my bad habits?

Beyond Frustrated with myself.

I did go walk 2.5 miles @ roughly 2.5 mph and I drank at least half a gallon of water.

Tomorrow is another day, right?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 34- VLCD

Well, today started off with good intentions. And then an emergency situation came up and I deviated from the plan. Will be back on track tomorrow though- PROMISE!!


3oz grilled onion burger

3-4 strawberries
5 crackers

Dinner: (off track)
1 smaller piece of pizza... I will pay for this in the morning- I KNOW! But, I was 45 mins from being home and it was 8pm and I was STARVING!!!

Hello Scale!!!!!!!!!!!

These last few days (okay- week) of cheating, I have cringed every morning when it was time to go get on the scale. A couple of mornings, I even tried to convince myself that I didn't need to weigh. Of course I did weigh, and of course...I did not like the results. Why torture myself you ask? I have no idea... I have ZERO will power!

I knew I did decent yesterday with the exception of the stinking orange soda. I still cringed at what the scale would say this morning. I mean- I did drink pretty close to pure sugar right at bed time. And, I was still up by 3.6 lbs. :O Yes, I know...HUGE ACK!!! I kept thinking of where I could have been had I not cheated...

I finally dragged myself out of bed and downstairs to the dredded scale. Imagine my SHOCK when it said that I had lost 3.8 lbs since yesterday!!!!! That actually puts me .2 lbs under where I was when I started my cheating!! Words cannot express my true excitement!!

Now, I just have to remember to keep moving forward!


Concepts to think about:
3.8 lbs is a lot to loose in one day, so I started thinking of the possible reasons why I might have lost that much in one day.

1) I had so much salt in my cheat days, that my body was retaining water. Once my sodium level decreased again I released some of the water.

2) I just got off my monthly cycle (TOM) I read that you will gain weight during that time, and then loose it.

3) I hadn't been drinking hardly any water the last few days. Yesterday I drank at least half a gallon. My water might have been holding onto some water because I wasn't giving it enough.

Really, the possibilities are endless- I am just glad it came off!

Bye bye soda...

Remember the orange soda from last night? Well, it kept tormenting me! Before I did something really stupid, I asked my sweet hubby to take it away or pour it out! Knowing me, I would gone to pour it out and tried to take "one last drink" so no, I cannot be trusted! lol Thankfully he moved it and it was no longer next to me tormenting me. Normally, I take my water to bed with me. Had I done that, I would have been fine.

Speaking of water and bed- I do recommend anyone to take water with them to bed. It helps me fight my night time cravings when I am still up, but on the computer or watching a show in bed with the hubby. Also, during the night I wake up thirsty. The water is right there. And first thing in the morning I am always ready to start drinking. I wait until after I weigh, of course- but I will have the bottle in hand ready for after scale. These are just other ways to get more water in during the day (and night!)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 33- VLCD

Man, I struggled again today!! But, I held off for the most part!! Would have done better had I been home this evening to eat dinner- but I was off couponing before the sales end tomorrow!


morning death trap- watched everyone else eat birthday cake. and MAN, did it look good!!!! But, I resisted!!

3oz grilled chicken breast
*tried to eat a roma tomato, but it tasted nasty! lol


Late night temptation:
3 small drinks of orange soda. kicking myself for this- should have just poured it out!!

All in all, I think it was an okay day!

Finally a LOSS!!!

I just wanted to post that I woke this morning and I have lost a lb! It has been a few days since I saw the scale go DOWN, I was excited!! And more motivated to make it keep going down...... down....down!!!!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 32- VLCD

Today was a little easier on me. I think I am missing the structure, and that is part of what is throwing me off? I am still determined to loose on this diet! The really bad thing is that the whole purpose of the HCG diet is to re-set your brain so it can process your food normally. I may have completely thrown off my re-set since I have not followed the diet like I was supposed to for a week now. But- I am going to follow this round out. I am planning to start another round on June 1, with my hubby doing the diet with me. I really think this will make it easier for me. He really tries to motivate me, but it is hard to listen to him when he gives me a 'look' as he is eating peeps and spaghetti! lol Not that it is his fault or anyone else's but my own. I just think it would be nice to do the diet along with him. We can support each other!



more crap!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 31- VLCD

I am really struggling with this diet right now. Never cheat- it makes it harder to get back on track.


boiled egg

you don't want to know!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 30- VLCD

Today was a bit easier, but I am still struggling with cravings. I swear, there are certain times where it is not so great to be a female!


1 hard boiled egg

subway sub about 4"

I know the sub was NOT on the diet. I have figured out that part of my problem is that I have GOT to eat my lunch! When I am busy and I don't eat it then, I think I will be okay. But then I end up hungry and just eat whatever (hence the subway). I didn't have a soda or chips, but the bread alone from the sub was bad enough!!

I need some encouragement... post, text, or e-mail me encouragements...PLEASE!!!

BTW- I have NOT liked the scale lately. I have gained back 3.2 lbs. NO FUN!! that in itself is some motivation to keep going. I don't have that much longer on this phase...I need to just get it DONE!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 29- VLCD

Today was a bit better. It would have been even better if someone would have either taken the left over Mexican with them...or thrown it away. I am so mad at myself. But when you are in that moment, that craving is so powerful. Hence the reason that I am fat. It really is the battle of the bulge. More times than not, I feel like it is a loosing battle. I am determined to not give up though!


chips, queso, & salsa

Chips, queso, & Salsa... and a bit of beans and rice

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 28- VLCD

UGH- I did NOT do well today. The TOM has taken over my body and it is a hard fight.



Mexican good.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 27- VLCD + Easter +

Today didn't go as bad as I expected. I kind of ate like I planned. I didn't eat on my diet, but didn't go over board either. Well, I didn't go over board in my eyes. I did have one piece of cake that I was not planning on. But, I am not going to fret on that. Also, my TOM came today and that might explain all the sugar cravings I had been/was having! lol I really tried to be somewhat good and think I did a pretty good job of that. If I can learn that I can still have the foods I like, just in smaller portions I would do much better off in life. I just never learned that until now!


3-4 bites potato salad
2-3 bites macaroni salad
6-7 crackers with spinach dip
2 bites of my healthy burger w/cheese
1 bite baked beans
1 cookie. the kind with icing on top. (no need to tell me!)
1 drink of sugar free kool-aid

3-4 very small pieces of ham
1 piece of carrot cake.
1 small sip of orange soda

You can see my day was carb-a-licious! I'm not going to be too hard on myself. I walked almost a mile and was active all day. Now, when I see what the scale says...THEN I will probably be hard on myself!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 26- VLCD

I was right, the scale didn't move that much (.04). But, at least it moved downwards! Maybe it will be nicer to me tomorrow! I am sure to burn some calories today. We are planning to go on 2 egg hunts, plus I have to clean and prepare food for me entire family to come over tomorrow! Tomorrow is going to be the day of doom! I have not decided if I am going to allow myself to cheat a bit or not. Really, I am just under from having lost a lb a day, so I would like to step it up to where I am loosing a lb a day. Maybe that means I won't cheat. I dunno! Send prayers my way!!


grilled hamburger
1/2 grapefruit

grilled chicken
roma tomato

errr.... some candy :( I was filling eggs for our family egg hunt and was bad. dang it!

Day 25- VLCD

Today ran o-kay. I was glad to see that I didn't really gain anything after my bad day yesterday! I ate my lunch pretty late because hubby had some errands to run and I am not too knowledgeable in the grilling area. So, I also ate my dinner very late because we also had church tonight. I know it will somewhat affect what the scale says just because my body won't have as long to process the food. But, I needed to eat. I was feeling kinda sick...


grilled chicken

grilled onion burger
roma tomato

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 24- VLCD R1P2W3

Today has been a super tough day as far as the diet is concerned. I didn't drink nearly enough water. And my food eating was terrible!!! I was craving sweets all day long. I believe my TOM may be heading this way. And now I sit, with a craving to eat something...anything...EVERYTHING and trying not to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a slight amount of water

1 whole boiled egg
1 white only from boiled egg
a few crackers 5 are okay, but not the 10 I ate and definitely NOT all at the same time

bowl of cinnamon toast crunch...with 1% milk. (HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I didn't eat anything else all day. I am sure that is part of the reason why I am having a hard time tonight. I am quite sure that I need to eat something. (healthy of course!)

Edit: I ended up eating the white only of a boiled egg before bed. Yeah, I suck! :{